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Rubber Window Seals and Energy Efficiency

When looking for effective solutions to reduce energy costs for buildings, having good quality window seals to protect your windows is a must. Window seals are used in both residential and commercial settings to create controlled environments inside of buildings to moderate temperature fluctuations and to prevent water and air intrusion indoors. Seals also provide …

Silicone Products and Heat Resistance

As we move more into the summer months and the temperatures rise across the country, it is important to note the sun’s effect on infrastructure. It is critical when choosing products to take into consideration the environment and the degree of sun exposure the materials will have to withstand when in use. UV light degradation …

Plastic and Rubber Seals in Food Manufacturing

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With the price of food increasing, the importance of storing and conserving resources has become a forefront of many households and the manufacturers who process these foods. Hence the storage and preservation of food and other goods is paramount to manufacturers which is where food grade seals come in.   Food grade seals whether they be …

Rubber Bellows in the Automotive Industry

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Rubber bellows are a useful part in multiple industries including the automotive industry where it plays an important role in supporting and protecting the inner machinery of the vehicle. Rubber bellows can be found in steering systems of cars and trucks, pumps, pistons, shafts and more! Rubber bellows can come in multiple shapes though the …

Elastomeric Grout in the Railroad Industry

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Trains travel great distances from city to city carrying tremendous amounts of cargo at varying speeds across the country. That speed and weight is certain to generate a significant amount of vibration and noise which can be disruptive to the populations that receive these locomotives. Light rails in particular that are often used in cities …

Silicone Cable Jacketing in the Medical Field

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It is no secret that in the medical field there is a constant need for materials that can survive the wear and tear of the health industry from scratches, exposure to changing temperatures, friction and frequent chemical sanitation. Materials used in this setting are under immense pressure to be reliable, durable and safe to use …

Products: Grommets 

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Whether it is installed inside the machinery of an automobile, electrical appliances, or inside the interior walls of your home, industrial grommets are a key part of preventing damage to wiring and cables. Grommets, both synthetic and non synthetic,  serve a multitude of purposes including vibration control, minimizing dust collection, and providing a safe area …

NW Rubber Extruders