Medical Devices & Equipment: We Supply Hospitals Everywhere!

We supply hospitals around the world with custom made medical cabling. From dental equipment tubing to walk in bathtub seals- we provide necessary items that often get overlooked. 

Wires and cables encased in silicone jacketing are durable which helps the cables tolerate repeated cleaning and disinfecting along with day to day usage. Silicone also offers flexibility and elongation characteristics which makes it a perfect jacketing material for cables that must be manipulated and maneuvered during surgical procedures. 

Patients and hospital employees alike benefit from our silicone cables, as they are highly biocompatible and provide a soft, supple surface. This helps to reduce or eliminate undue irritation to patients and prevents accidental damage to skin or tissue. It also provides an easy-grip surface for doctors and nurses.

We also provide silicone cable insulation, which is a thin coating extruded directly onto bare wires. Insulation is often color coded to allow easier identification of different wires in a bundle. 

Our products are all custom made to the specifications of our customer. We offer a wide variety of materials that meet the standard specifications of Food & Drug Administration, Boeing Material Specifications, Aerospace Material Specifications, and many more with lead times for existing materials estimated at about 3 weeks (See FAQ’s here). We are a small business but have a certified quality system which allows us to supply a large customer base.  

NW Rubber Extruders