Industries Served: Medical

Our medical-grade extrusions and molded products include cable jacketing, dental equipment tubing, bumpers for stainless steel carts, walk-in bathtub seals, and molded parts for X-ray machines.

Medical applications must follow stringent guidelines for material usage and manufacturing practices. We have the expertise and quality control required to create FDA and industry compliant products for a range of medical applications. We offer silicone and other medical grade materials that provide the chemical and temperature resistance required for autoclave and other sterilization methods.

Our silicone jacketed cables are used for a multitude of industry applications because of its flexibility, UV resistance, chemical resistance and wide temperature range. These properties make silicone jacketing ideal for medical applications where devices must withstand repeated cleaning, disinfection and sterilization.
Contact us today for more information or request a quote.

NW Rubber Extruders