Tag «rail industry»

Industry News: Amtrak Cascades To Resume After A Two-Year Hiatus

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“The best way to experience the great Pacific Northwest is on the Amtrak Cascades. From Vancouver, British Columbia to Seattle, Portland and Eugene, Oregon, past Mount St. Helens and across the Columbia River Gorge, you’ll witness some of our continent’s most distinctive cities and most spectacular natural attractions.” Amtrak The Amtrak Cascades train departed from …

Elastomeric Rail Products: Rail Boots, Tie Pads, and Elastomeric Grout

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Elastomeric rail products include rail boots, tie pads, and other rubber extruded products used by the railroad industry. These products are made from a variety of thermoplastic and elastomeric materials that are flexible, lightweight and have excellent shear and tensile strength. In railway applications, these materials help insulate components from electrical currents and reduce track …

NW Rubber Extruders